
PDFs of journal articles below can be downloaded for noncommercial purposes only. Copyright belongs to the copyright holders stated in each article. Do not repost or circulate articles without permission from copyright holders.

  • Turesky TK, Escalante E, Loh M, Gaab N. Longitudinal trajectories of brain development from infancy to school age and their relationship to literacy development. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Jul 1:2024.06.29.601366. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.29.601366. PMID: 39005343; PMCID: PMC11244924.

    Ozernov-Palchik, O., Beach, S. D., Wade, K., Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J., & Hogan, T. P. (2024, March 19). Differences in the components of reading comprehension in developmental dyslexia: A longitudinal and cross-sectional investigation.

    Tridas, E. Q., Salvarezza, F., Gaab, N., Hagan, E. C., Restrepo, M. A., & Canto, N. (2024, March 4). Prueba pediátrica de detección de dificultades de alfabetización: Borrador (PEDAL-B): Spanish Adaptation of the Screening Pediatric Patients for Reading Difficulties Test: Draft (SPRouT-D).

    O'Brien, A., Sullivan, E., & Gaab, N. (2024, February 22). Breaking through the siloed educational system: Identification of barriers and strategies to optimize outcomes for students with learning disabilities.

    van Dijk, W., Turesky, T., & Gaab, N. (2024, February 15). Changes in the Home Literacy Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Families With and Without Learning Disabilities.

    de Lima, R. F., Azoni, C. A. S., Lopes-Silva, J. B., Tridas, E. Q., & Gaab, N. (2023, October 1). Brazilian Version of the Screening Pediatric Patients for Reading Difficulties Test - Draft (SPRouT-D).

    Tridas, E. Q., Petscher, Y., Stanley, C., Sanfilippo, J., & Gaab, N. (2022, May 20). Screening Pediatric Patients for Reading difficulties Test: Draft (SPRouT-D).

    You, X., Zhang, R., King, C. J., Gaab, N., & Yu, X. (2022, April 18). Chinese Version of the COVID-19 Home Environment Literacy Practices (COVID19-HELP) Questionnaire.

    Amorim, L., Machado, J., Brito, L., Peixoto, C., Silva, E., King, C., Davidson, K., Gaab, N., & Lopes-Silva, J. (2022, February 19) Brazilian Version of the COVID-19 Home Environment Literacy Practices (COVID19-HELP) Questionnaire.

    Garrisi, K., King, C. J., Mullin, L. J., & Gaab, N. (2020, September 5). General recommendations and guidelines for remote assessment of toddlers and children, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    King, C. J., Lee, A., Zuk, J., Ravi, N., & Gaab, N. (2020, September 3). The COVID-19 Home Environment Literacy Practices (COVID19-HELP) Questionnaire.

    Sury, D., & Gaab, N. (2020, May 18). The Adult Arithmetic History Questionnaire.


Wang, J., Wagley, N., Rice, M. et al. Syntactic and semantic specialization in 9- to 10-year-old children during auditory sentence processing. Sci Rep 14, 26965 (2024).

Turesky, T. K., Pirazzoli, L., Shama, T., Hafiz Kakon, S., Haque, R., Islam, N., Someshwar, A., Gagoski, B., Petri, W. A., Nelson, C. A., & Gaab, N. (In press). Brain Morphometry and Chronic Inflammation in Bangladeshi Children Growing up in Extreme Poverty. Imaging Neuroscience.

Wang, J., Turesky, T.K., Loh, M., Barber, J., Hue, V., Escalante, E., Medina, A., Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2024). Lateralization of activation within the superior temporal gyrus during speech perception in sleeping infants is associated with subsequent language skills in kindergarten: A passive listening task-fMRI study. Brain and Language. PDF>>

Surani, Z., Turesky, T.K., Sullivan, E., Shama, T., Haque, R., Islam, N., Kakon, S.H., Yu, X., Petri, W.A., Nelson III, C., & Gaab, N. (2024, February 6). Examining the relationship between psychosocial adversity and inhibitory control: an fMRI study of children growing up in extreme poverty. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

Tang, X.T., Turesly, T.K., Escalante, E.S., Loh, M.Y., Xia., M., Yu, Xi & Gaab, N. (In press). Longitudinal associations between language network characteristics in the infant brain and school-age reading abilities are mediated by early-developing phonological skills. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

Gaab, N., & Duggan, N. (In press). Leveraging Brain Science for Impactful Advocacy and Policymaking: The Synergistic Partnership between Developmental Cognitive Neuroscientists and a Parent-Led Grassroots Movement to Drive Dyslexia Prevention Policy and Legislation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Link>>

Alex, A. M., Aguate, F., Botteron, K., Buss, C., Chong, Y. S., Dager, S. R., Donald, K. A., Entringer, S., Fair, D. A., Fortier, M. V., Gaab, N., Gilmore, J. H., Girault, J. B., Graham, A. M., Groenewold, N. A., Hazlett, H., Lin, W., Meaney, M. J., Piven, J., Qiu, A., Rasmussen, J.M., Roos, A., Schultz, R.T., Skeide, M.A., Stein, D.J., Stuner, M., Thompson, P.M., Tureskey, T.K., Wadhwa, P.D., Zar. H.J., Zollei, L., de los Campos, G & Kiockmeyer, R. ENIGMA ORIGINs group (2024). A global multicohort study to map subcortical brain development and cognition in infancy and early childhood. Nature neuroscience, 27(1), 176–186.

Andrade, P. E., Müllensiefen, D., Andrade, O. V. C. A., Dunstan, J., Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2024). Sequence Processing in Music Predicts Reading Skills in Young Readers: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of learning disabilities, 57(1), 43–60. PDF>>

Ozernov-Palchik, O., Pollack, C., Bonawitz, E., Christodoulou, J. A., Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J., Kievlan, P. M., Kirby, C., Lin, G. C., Luk, G., & Nelson, C. A. (in press). Reflections on the past two decades of Mind, Brain, and Education. Mind, Brain, and Education. Link>>



Alex, A. M., Buss, C., Davis, E. P., Campos, G. L., Donald, K. A., Fair, D. A., Gaab, N., Gao, W., Gilmore, J. H., Girault, J. B., Grewen, K., Groenewold, N. A., Hankin, B. L., Ipser, J., Kapoor, S., Kim, P., Lin, W., Luo, S., Norton, E. S., O'Connor, T. G., Piven, J., Qiu, A., Rasmussen, J.M., Skeide, M.A., Stein, D.J.,Styner, M.A., Thompson, P.M., Wakschlag, L. & Knickmeyer, R. ENIGMA ORIGINs group (2023). Genetic Influences on the Developing Young Brain and Risk for Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Biological psychiatry, 93(10), 905–920.

Ozernov-Palchik, O., Sury, D., Turesky, T. K., Yu, X., & Gaab, N. (2023). Longitudinal changes in brain activation underlying reading fluency. Human brain mapping, 44(1), 18–34. Link>>

Zuk, J., Vanderauwera, J., Turesky, T., Yu, X., & Gaab, N. (2023). Neurobiological predispositions for musicality: White matter in infancy predicts school-age music aptitude. Developmental science, 26(5), e13365. Link>>

Spann, M. N., Wisnowski, J. L., HBCD Phase I Scanning Young Populations Working Group, Smyser, C. D., Fetal, Infant, and Toddler Neuroimaging Group (FIT'NG), Howell, B., & Dean, D. C., 3rd (2023). The Art, Science, and Secrets of Scanning Young Children. Biological psychiatry, 93(10), 858–860.

Kucirkova, N., Brod, G., & Gaab, N. (2023). Applying the science of learning to EdTech evidence evaluations using the EdTech Evidence Evaluation Routine (EVER). NPJ science of learning, 8(1), 35. Link>>

Mues, M.*, Zuk, J.*, Norton, E. S., Gabrieli, J. D. E., Hogan, T. P., & Gaab, N. (2023). Preliteracy Skills Mediate the Relation Between Early Speech Sound Production and Subsequent Reading Outcomes. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 66(8), 2766–2782. *Equal contributions.

Davison, K. E., Zuk, J., Mullin, L. J., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Norton, E., Gabrieli, J. D. E., Yu, X., & Gaab, N. (2023). Examining Shared Reading and White Matter Organization in Kindergarten in Relation to Subsequent Language and Reading Abilities: A Longitudinal Investigation. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 35(2), 259–275.

Gaab, N., Reilly, M & Tridas, E. (2022). Learning Disabilities (Chapter 47). In: H. M. Feldman, E.R. Elias, N. J. Blum, M. Jimenez & T. Stancin (Eds.), Developmental-Behvaioral Pediatrics (5th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. PDF>>

Lindinger, N. M., Jacobson, S. W., Davidson, L., Conradie, S., Dodge, N. C., Molteno, C. D., Meintjes, E. M., Gaab, N., & Jacobson, J. L. (2022). Reading impairment in adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Scientific studies of reading : the official journal of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 26(6), 469–488. PDF>>

Ozernov-Palchik, O., Beach, S. D., Brown, M., Centanni, T. M., Gaab, N., Kuperberg, G., Perrachione, T. K., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2022). Speech-specific perceptual adaptation deficits in children and adults with dyslexia. Journal of experimental psychology. General, 151(7), 1556–1572. Link >>

Yu, X., Ferradal, S., Dunstan, J., Carruthers, C., Sanfilippo, J., Zuk, J., Zöllei, L., Gagoski, B., Ou, Y., Grant, P. E., & Gaab, N. (2022). Patterns of Neural Functional Connectivity in Infants at Familial Risk of Developmental Dyslexia. JAMA network open, 5(10), e2236102. Link>>

Lawrence, K.E., Hernandez, L.M., Fuster, E., Padgaonkar, N.T., Patterson, G., Jung, J., Okada, N.J., Lowe, J.K., Hoekstra, J.N., Jack, A., Aylward, E., Gaab, N., Van Horn, J.D., Bernier, R.A., McPartland, J.C., Webb, S.J., Pelphrey, K.A., Green, S.A., Bookheimer, S.Y., Geschwind, D.H., Dapretto, M., & GENDAAR Consortium. (2022). Impact of autism genetic risk on brain connectivity: a mechanism for the female protective effect. Brain : a journal of neurology, 145(1), 378–387. Link>>

Yu, X., Dunstan, J., Jacobson, S. W., Molteno, C. D., Lindinger, N. M., Turesky, T. K., Meintjes, E. M., Jacobson, J. L., & Gaab, N. (2022). Distinctive neural correlates of phonological and reading impairment in fetal alcohol-exposed adolescents with and without facial dysmorphology. Neuropsychologia, 169, 108188. PDF>>

Turesky, T. K.*, Sanfilippo, J.*, Zuk, J., Ahtam, B., Gagoski, B., Lee, A., Garrisi, K., Dunstan, J., Carruthers, C., Vanderauwera, J., Yu, X., & Gaab, N. (2022). Home language and literacy environment and its relationship to socioeconomic status and white matter structure in infancy. Brain structure & function, 227(8), 2633–2645. *Equal contributions. https:// PDF>>

Ozernov-Palchik, O., Sideridis, G. D., Norton, E. S., Beach, S. D., Wolf, M., Gabrieli, J. D. E., & Gaab, N. (2022). On the cusp of predictability: Disruption in the typical association between letter and word identification at critical thresholds of RAN and phonological skills. Learning and Individual Differences, 97, 102166. PDF>>

Linzarini, A., Bugden, S., Merkley, R., Gaab, N., Siegel, L.S., Aldersey, H., Anderson, J., Araya, B.M., Barnes, M.A., Boyle, C., Clasby, B., Doherty, B., Edyburn, D.L., Fishstrom, S., Gaurav, N., Guerriero, S., Hudson, A., Iuculano, S., Jansen-van Vuuren, J., Joanisse, M., Joshi, R.M., Kalbfleisch, L., Kent, H., Miller, A.H., Paulle, B., Page, A., Patton Terry, N., Petscher, Y., Peters, L., Sider, S., Specht, J., Steinle, P.K., Tonks, J., Vaughn, S., van Bergen, E. , and Williams, W.H. (2022). ‘Identifying and supporting children with learning disabilities’ in Bugden, S. and Borst, G. (eds.) Education and the Learning Experience in Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment [Duraiappah, A.K., Atteveldt, N.M. van et al. (eds.)]. New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP. PDF>>

Gaab, N. & Petscher, Y. (2022). Screening for early literacy milestones and reading disabilities: The why, when, whom, how, and where. Perspectives on language and literacy, 48(1). PDF>>

Jacokes, Z., Jack, A., Sullivan, C. A. W., Aylward, E., Bookheimer, S. Y., Dapretto, M., Bernier, R. A., Geschwind, D. H., Sukhodolsky, D. G., McPartland, J. C., Webb, S. J., Torgerson, C. M., Eilbott, J., Kenworthy, L., Pelphrey, K. A., Van Horn, J. D., & GENDAAR Consortium (2022). Linear discriminant analysis of phenotypic data for classifying autism spectrum disorder by diagnosis and sex. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16, 1040085.


Turesky, T. K., Shama, T., Kakon, S. H., Haque, R., Islam, N., Someshwar, A., Gagoski, B., Petri, W. A., Jr, Nelson, C. A., & Gaab, N. (2021). Brain morphometry and diminished physical growth in Bangladeshi children growing up in extreme poverty: A longitudinal study. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 52, 101029. Link >>

Yu, X., Ferradal, S. L., Sliva, D. D., Dunstan, J., Carruthers, C., Sanfilippo, J., Zuk, J., Zöllei, L., Boyd, E., Gagoski, B., Ou, Y., Grant, P. E., & Gaab, N. (2021). Functional Connectivity in Infancy and Toddlerhood Predicts Long-Term Language and Preliteracy Outcomes. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), bhab230. Advance online publication. https:// PDF>>

Zuk, J., Yu, X., Sanfilippo, J., Figuccio, M. J., Dunstan, J., Carruthers, C., Sideridis, G., Turesky, T. K., Gagoski, B., Grant, P. E., & Gaab, N. (2021). White matter in infancy is prospectively associated with language outcomes in kindergarten. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 50, 100973. PDF >>

Jack, A., Sullivan, C. A. W., Aylward, E., Bookheimer, S. Y., Dapretto, M., Gaab, N., Van Horn, J. D., Eilbott, J., Jacokes, Z., Torgerson, C. M., Bernier, R. A., Geschwind, D. H., McPartland, J. C., Nelson, C. A., Webb, S. J., Pelphrey, K. A., Gupta, A. R., & GENDAAR Consortium (2021). A neurogenetic analysis of female autism. Brain : a journal of neurology, 144(6), 1911–1926.

Norton, E. S., Beach, S. D., Eddy, M. D., McWeeny, S., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Gaab, N., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2021). ERP Mismatch Negativity Amplitude and Asymmetry Reflect Phonological and Rapid Automatized Naming Skills in English-Speaking Kindergartners. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 15, 624617.

Ahtam, B., Turesky, T. K., Zöllei, L., Standish, J., Grant, P. E., Gaab, N., & Im, K. (2021). Intergenerational Transmission of Cortical Sulcal Patterns from Mothers to their Children. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 31(4), 1888–1897. PubMed >> PDF >>

Turesky, T. K., Vanderauwera, J., & Gaab, N. (2021). Imaging the rapidly developing brain: Current challenges for MRI studies in the first five years of life. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 47, 100893. PubMed >> PDF >>

Terry, N. P., Petscher, Y., Gaab, N., & Hart, S. (2021). Researchers Translating the Science of Reading: Widening the Lens of Translational Science through Team Science. The Reading League journal, 2(1), 46–53.

Schelbe, L., Pryce, J., Petscher, Y., Fien, H., Stanley, C., Gearin, B., & Gaab, N. (2021). Dyslexia in the Context of Social Work: Screening and Early Intervention. Families in Society. PDF>>

Gaab, N., & Petscher, Y. (2021). Early Bird Dyslexia and Early Literacy Screener. Technical Manual. EarlyBird Education. PDF>>

Zuk, J., Dunstan, J., Norton, E., Yu, X., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Wang, Y., Hogan, T. P., Gabrieli, J., & Gaab, N. (2021). Multifactorial pathways facilitate resilience among kindergarteners at risk for dyslexia: A longitudinal behavioral and neuroimaging study. Developmental science, 24(1), e12983. PubMed >> PDF >>



Solari, E.J., Terry, N.P., Gaab, N., Hogan, T.P., Nelson, N.J., Pentimonti, J.M., Petscher, Y., & Sayko, S. (2020). Translational Science: A Road Map for the Science of Reading. Reading Research Quarterly.

Jack, A., Sullivan, C. A.W, Aylward, E. ,Bookheimer, S.Y., Dapretto, M., Gaab, N., Van Horn, J. D., Eilbott, J., Jacokes, Z., Torgerson, C. M., Bernier, R. A., Geschwind, D. H., McPartland, J. C., Nelson, C. A., Webb, S. J., Pelphrey, K. A., Gupta, A. R., GENDAAR (2020). Neurogenetic Profiles of Risk and Resilience in Female Autism [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Link >>

Lawrence, K. E., Hernandez, L. M., Eilbott, J., Jack, A., Aylward, E., Gaab, N., Van Horn, J. D., Bernier, R. A., Geschwind, D. H., McPartland, J. C., Nelson, C. A., Webb, S. J., Pelphrey, K. A., Bookheimer, S. Y., Dapretto, M., & GENDAAR Consortium (2020). Neural responsivity to social rewards in autistic female youth. Translational psychiatry, 10(1), 178. PubMed >> PDF >>

Lawrence, K. E., Hernandez, L. M., Bowman, H. C., Padgaonkar, N. T., Fuster, E., Jack, A., Aylward, E., Gaab, N., Van Horn, J. D., Bernier, R. A., Geschwind, D. H., McPartland, J. C., Nelson, C. A., Webb, S. J., Pelphrey, K. A., Green, S. A., Bookheimer, S. Y., Dapretto, M., & GENDAAR Consortium (2020). Sex Differences in Functional Connectivity of the Salience, Default Mode, and Central Executive Networks in Youth with ASD. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 30(9), 5107–5120. PubMed >> PDF >>

Raschle N, Borbás R, King C and Gaab N (2020) The Magical Art of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Study the Reading Brain. Front. Young Minds. 8:72. doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.00072 Link >>

Yu, X., Zuk, J., Perdue, M. V., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Raney, T., Beach, S. D., Norton, E. S., Ou, Y., Gabrieli, J., & Gaab, N. (2020). Putative protective neural mechanisms in prereaders with a family history of dyslexia who subsequently develop typical reading skills. Human brain mapping, 41(10), 2827–2845. PubMed >> PDF >>

Sanfilippo, J., Ness, M., Petscher, Y., Rappaport, L., Zuckerman, B., & Gaab, N. (2020). Reintroducing Dyslexia: Early Identification and Implications for Pediatric Practice. Pediatrics, 146(1), e20193046. PubMed >> PDF >>

Turesky, T., Xie, W., Kumar, S., Sliva, D. D., Gagoski, B., Vaughn, J., Zöllei, L., Haque, R., Kakon, S. H., Islam, N., Petri, W. A., Jr, Nelson, C. A., & Gaab, N. (2020). Relating anthropometric indicators to brain structure in 2-month-old Bangladeshi infants growing up in poverty: A pilot study. NeuroImage, 210, 116540. PubMed >> PDF >>

Hernandez, L. M., Lawrence, K. E., Padgaonkar, N. T., Inada, M., Hoekstra, J. N., Lowe, J. K., Eilbott, J., Jack, A., Aylward, E., Gaab, N., Van Horn, J. D., Bernier, R. A., McPartland, J. C., Webb, S. J., Pelphrey, K. A., Green, S. A., Geschwind, D. H., Bookheimer, S. Y., Dapretto, M., & GENDAAR Consortium (2020). Imaging-genetics of sex differences in ASD: distinct effects of OXTR variants on brain connectivity. Translational psychiatry, 10(1), 82. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab N., Turesky T. K., Sanfilippo J. (2020) Early identification of children at risk for reading difficulty: neurobiology, screening and evidence-based response, and educational technology. Ed. Washington, Compton, and McCardle. Dyslexia: Revisiting Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Policy. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing. PDF >>


Norton, E. S., Gaab, N., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2019). Neural predictors of dyslexia. In L. Verhoeven, C. Perfetti & K. Pugh, (Eds.), Developmental dyslexia across languages and writing systems: A handbook. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Turesky, T.K., Jensen, S.K.G., Yu, X., Kumar, S., Wang, Y., Sliva, D., Gagoski, B., Sanfilippo, J., Zollei, L., Boyd, E., Haque, R., Kakon, S.H., Islam, N., Petri Jr., W., Nelson, C.A., & Gaab, N. (In press). "The relationship between biological and psychosocial risk factors and resting-state functional connectivity in 2-month-old Bangladeshi infants: a feasibility and pilot study." Developmental Science. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N. (2019). "Identifying risk instead of failure. Reading impairments: Moving from a deficit-driven to a preventative model." Blog on Learning & Development. Link >>

Gaab, N. (2019). "How Can We Ensure That Every Child Will Learn to Read? The Need for a Global, Neurodevelopmental Perspective." International Dyslexia Association. Link >>

Langer, N., Benjamin, C., Becker, B., & Gaab, N. (2019). "Comorbidity of Reading Disabilities and ADHD: Structural and Functional Brain Characteristics." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>

Petscher, Y., Fien, H., Stanley, C., Gearin, B., Gaab, N., Fletcher, J.M., & Johnson, E. (2019). "Screening for Dyslexia." Retrieved from PDF >>

Centanni, T.M., Norton, E.S., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Park, A., Beach, S.D., Halverson, K., Gaab, N., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2019). "Disrupted left fusiform response to print in beginning kindergartners is associated with subsequent reading." NeuroImage: Clinical. PubMed >> PDF >>

Ozernov-Palchik, O., Norton, E. S., Wang, Y., Beach, S. D., Zuk, J., Wolf, M., Gabrieli, J., & Gaab, N. (2019). The relationship between socioeconomic status and white matter microstructure in pre-reading children: A longitudinal investigation. Human brain mapping, 40(3), 741–754. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Sanfilippo, J. & Turesky, T. (2019). Early Identification of Children at Risk for Reading Difficulty: Neurobiology, Screening and Evidence-Based Response, and Educational Technology. In J. Washington, D. Compton & P. McCardle (Eds.), Dyslexia: Revisiting Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Policy (The Extraordinary Brain Series). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co. PDF >>

Leon Guerrero, S., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Gonzalez, M., Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2019). Using tablet technology to screen for reading difficulty risk in preschool and early kindergarten. In N. Kucirkova, J. Roswell, & G. Falloon (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Playing and Learning with Technology in Early Childhood. Milton Park: Routledge.


Zuk, J., Perdue, M., Becker, B., Yu, X., Chang, M., Raschle, N., & Gaab, N. "Neural correlates of phonological processing: Disrupted in children with dyslexia and enhanced in musically trained children." Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>

Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2018). Evaluating predisposition and training in shaping the musician's brain: the need for a developmental perspective. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 10.1111/nyas.13737. Advance online publication. PubMed >> PDF >>

Yu, X., Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2018). "What factors facilitate resilience in developmental dyslexia? Examining protective and compensatory mechanisms across the neurodevelopmental trajectory." Child Development Perspectives. PubMed >> PDF >>

Leon Guerrero, S., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Gonzalez, M., Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2018). "Using tablet technology to screen for reading difficulty risk in preschool and early kindergarten". In N. Kucirkova, J. Roswell, & G. Falloon (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Playing and Learning with Technology in Early Childhood. PDF >>

Centanni, T.M., Norton, E., Park, A., Beach, S.D., Halverson, K., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Gaab, N., & Gabrieli, J. (2018). "Early development of letter specialization in left fusiform is associated with better word reading and smalller fusiform face area." Developmental Science. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Yu, X., & Ozernov-Palchik, O. (2018). "Early atypical brain development in developmental dyslexia". In A. Galaburda, N. Gaab, & F. Hoeft (Eds.). Dyslexia and Neuroscience: The Geschwind-Galaburda Hypothesis, 30 Years Later . Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co. PDF >>

Yu, X., Raney, T., Perdue, M., Zuk, J., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Becker, B., Raschle, N.M., & Gaab, N. (2018). "Emergence of the neural network underlying phonological processing from the prereading to the emergent reading stage: A longitudinal study." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>


Ozernov-Palchik, O., Norton, E.S., Sideridis, G., Beach, S.D., Wolf, M., Gabrieli, J.D.E. & Gaab, N. (2017). "Longitudinal stability of pre-reading skill profiles of kindergarten children." Developmental Science. PubMed >> PDF >>

Wang, Y., Mauer, M., Raney, T. Peysakhovich, B., Becker, B., Sliva, D., & Gaab, N. (2017). "Development of tract-specific white matter pathways during early reading development in at-risk children and typical controls." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Langer, N., Peysakhovich, B., Zuk, J., Drottar, M., Sliva, D., Smith, S., Becker, B., Grant, E., & Gaab, N. (2017). "White matter alterations in infants at risk for developmental dyslexia." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Raschle, N.M., Becker, B., Smith, S., Fehlbaum, L.V., Wang, Y., & Gaab, N. (2017). "Investigating the influences of language delay and/or familial risk for dyslexia on brain structure in 5-year-olds." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Zuk, J., Bishop-Lieber, P., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Peysakovich, B., Moore, E., Overy, K., Welch, G., & Gaab, N. (2017). Revisiting the 'enigma' of musicians with dyslexia: auditory sequencing and speech abilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N. (2017). "It's a Myth that Young Children Cannot Be Screened for Dyslexia!" International Dyslexia Association. Link >>


Ozernov-Palchik, O., & Gaab, N. (2016). "Tackling the 'dyslexia paradox': reading brain and behavior for early markers of developmental dyslexia." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 7(2), 156-176. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1383 PubMed >> PDF >>

Powers, S., Wang, Y., Sideridis, G., & Gaab, N. (2016). Examining the relationship between home literacy environment and neural correlates of phonological processing in beginning readers with and without a familial risk for dyslexia: an fMRI study. Annals of Dyslexia. PubMed >> PDF >>

Ozernov-Palchik, O., Yu, X., Wang, Y., & Gaab, N. (2016). Lessons to be learned: How a comprehensive neurobiological framework of atypical reading development can inform educational practice. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. PubMed >> PDF >>

Ozernov-Palchik, O., & Gaab, N. (2016). "Tackling the early identification of dyslexia with the help of neuroimaging." Perspectives on Language and Literacy. Winter 2016. The International Dyslexia Association. PDF >>

Im, K., Raschle, N.M., Smith, S.A., Grant, P.E., & Gaab, N. (2016). "Atypical Sulcal Pattern in Children with Developmental Dyslexia and At-Risk Kindergarteners." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Saygin, Z.M., Osher, D.E., Norton, E.S., Youssoufian, D.A., Beach, S.D., Feather, J., Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Kanwisher, N. (2016). "Connectivity precedes function in the development of the visual word form area." Nature Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>


Langer, N., Benjamin, C., Minas, J., & Gaab, N. (2015). "The neural correlates of reading fluency deficits in children." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Meng, X., You, H., Song, M., Desroches, A.S., Wang, Z., Wei, N., Tian, M., Gaab, N., & Ding, G. (2015). "Neural deficits in auditory phonological processing in Chinese children with English reading impairment." Bilingualism: Language Cognition. PDF >>

Paldino, M.J., Hedges, K., Gaab, N., Galaburda, A.M., & Grant, P.E. (2015). "Failure to Identify the Left Arcuate Fasciculus at Diffusion Tractography Is a Specific Marker of Language Dysfunction in Pediatric Patients with Polymicrogyria." Behavioural Neurology. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N. (2015). "The future of reading research -- New concepts and tools and the need for detailed genetic and neurobiological contexts". In P. McCardle & C.M. Connor (Eds.). Reading Intervention: Research to Practice to Research (The Extraordinary Brain Series). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.


Raschle, N.M., Smith S.A., Zuk, J., Dauvermann, M.R., Figuccio, M.J., & Gaab, N.(2014). "Investigating the neural correlates of voice versus speech-sound directed information in pre-school children." PLoS ONE. PubMed >> PDF >>

Raschle, N. Stering, P.L., Meissner, S., & Gaab, N. (2014). "Altered neuronal response during rapid auditory processing and its relation to phonological processing in pre-reading children at familial risk for dyslexia." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Shetreet, E., Chierchia, G., & Gaab, N. (2014). "Linguistic inability or poor performance: Dissociating scalar implicature generation and mismatch in the developing brain." Developmental Psychology. PubMed >> PDF >>

Shetreet, E., Chierchia, G., & Gaab, N. (2014). "When three is not some: On the pragmatics of numerals." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF >>

Shetreet, E., Chierchia, G., & Gaab, N. (2014). "When some is not every: Dissociating scalar implicature generation and mismatch." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>

Zuk, J., Benjamin, C., Kenyon, A., & Gaab, N. (2014). "Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Executive Functioning in Musicians and Non-Musicians." PLoS ONE. PubMed >> PDF >>


Im, K. Pienaar, R., Paldino, M.J., Gaab, N., Galaburda, A.M., & Grant, P.E. (2013). "Quantification and discrimination of abnormal sulcal patterns in polymicrogyria." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Saygin, Z., Norton, E., Osher, D., Beach, S., Cyr, A., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Yendiki, A., Fischl, B., Gaab, N., & Gabrieli, J. (2013). "Tracking the roots of reading ability: White matter volume and integrity correlate with phonological awareness in pre-reading and early-reading kindergarten children." Journal of Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>

Zuk, J., Andrade, P.E., Andrade, O.V.C.A., Gardiner, M.F., & Gaab, N. (2013). "Music, language and reading abilities in early Portuguese readers." Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>

Zuk, J., Ozernov-Palchik, O., Kim, H., Lakshminarayanan, K., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Tallal, P., & Gaab, N. (2013). "Enhanced syllable discrimination threshold in musicians." PLOS ONE. PubMed >> PDF >>


Benjamin, C.F. & Gaab, N. (2012). "What’s the story? The tale of reading fluency told at speed." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>

Kovelman, I., Norton, E.S., Christodoulou, J. A., Gaab, N., Triantafyllou, C., Lieberman, D. A., Lymberis, J., Wolf, M.,Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2012). "Brain Basis of Phonological Awareness for Spoken Language in Children and Its disruption in dyslexia." Cereb Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Raschle. N., Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2012). "Functional characteristics of developmental dyslexia in left-hemispheric posterior brain regions predate reading onset." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PubMed >> PDF >>

Raschle, N., Zuk, J., Ortiz-Manilla, S., Sliva, D.D., Franceschi, A., Grant, E., Benasich, A., & Gaab, N. (2012). "Pediatric Neuroimaging in Early Childhood and Infancy: Challenges and Practical Guidelines." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. PubMed >> PDF >>

Raschle, N., Chang, M., Stering, P., Zuk, J., & Gaab, N. (2012). "Neural correlates of reading-related process examined with fMRI before reading onset and after language/reading remediation". In A.A. Benasich & R.H. Fitch (Eds.). Developmental dyslexia: Early precursors, neurobehavioral markers, and biological substrates (The Extraordinary Brain Series). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.


Raschle, N., Chang, M., & Gaab, N. (2011). "Structural brain alterations associated with dyslexia predate reading onset." Neuroimage. PubMed >> PDF >>

You, H., Gaab, N., Wei, N., Cheng-Lai, A., Wang, Z., Jian, J., Song, M., Meng, X., & Ding, G. (2011). "Neural deficits in second language reading: fMRI evidence from Chinese children with English reading impairment." Neuroimage. PubMed >> PDF>>


Benjamin, C., Lieberman, D.A., Chang, M., Ofen, N., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Gaab, N. (2010). "The influence of rest period instruction on the default mode network." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>

Ghosh, S.S., Kakunoori, S., Augustinack, J., Nieto-Castanon, A., Kovelman, I, Gaab, N., Christodoulou, J.A., Triantafyllou, C., Gabrieli, J.D., & Fischl, B. (2010). "Evaluating the Validity of Volume-Based and Surface-Based Brain Image Registration for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Studies in Children 4-to-11 Years of Age." Neuroimage. PubMed >> PDF >>


Christodoulou, C. & Gaab, N. (2009). "Using and Misusing Neuroscience in Education-Related Research." Cortex. PubMed >> PDF >>

Raschle, N.M., Lee, M., Buechler, R., Christodoulou, J.A., Chnag, M., Vakil, M., Stering, P.L., & Gaab, N. (2009). "Making MR imaging child's play- pediatric neuroimaging protocol, guidelines and procedures." Journal of Visualized Experiments. PubMed >> PDF >>

Schulze, K., Gaab, N., & Schlaug, G. (2009). "Perceiving pitch absolutely: comparing absolute and relative pitch possessors in a pitch memory task." BMC Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>


Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J., & Glover, G. (2008). "Resting in peace or noise: scanner background noise suppresses default-mode network." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>


Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Deutsch, G., Tallal, P., & Temple, E. (2007). "Neural correlates of rapid auditory processing are disrupted in children with developmental dyslexia and ameliorated with training: An fMRI study." Restorative Neuroscience and Neurology. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J., & Glover, G. (2007). "Assessing the influence of scanner background noise on auditory processing- I: an fMRI study comparing three experimental designs with varying degrees of scanner background noise." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J., & Glover, G. (2007). "Assessing the influence of scanner background noise on auditory processing- II: an fMRI study comparing auditory processing in the absence and presence of recorded scanner noise using a sparse temporal sampling design." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>


Bermpohl, F., Pascual-Leone, A., Amedi, A., Merabet, L., Fregni, F., Gaab, N., Alsop, D., Schlaug, G., & Northoff, G. (2006). "Attentional modulation of emotional stimulus processing- an fMRI study using emotional expectancy." Human Brain Mapping. PubMed >> PDF >>

Bermpohl, F., Pascual-Leone, A., Amedi, A., Merabet, L., Fregni, F., Gaab, N., Alsop, D., Schlaug, G., & Northoff, G. (2006). "Dissociable networks for the expectancy and perception of emotional stimuli in the human brain." Neuroimage. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Gaser, C., & Schlaug, G. (2006). "Neural correlates of absolute pitch differ between a blind and sighted musicians." Neuroimage. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Schulze, K., Ozdemir, E., & Schlaug, G. (2006). "Neural correlates of absolute pitch differ between a blind and sighted musicians." Neuroreport. PubMed >> PDF >>

Tallal, P. & Gaab, N. (2006). "Dynamic Auditory Processing, Musical Experience and Language Development." Trends in Neurosciences. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Tallal, P., Kim, H., Lakshminarayanan, K., Glover, G.H., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2005). "Neural correlates of rapid spectro-temporal processing in musicians and nonmusicians." Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. PubMed >> PDF >>

Walker, M.P., Stickgold, R., Alsop, D., Gaab, N., & Schlaug, G. (2005). "Sleep dependent motor memory plasticity in the human brain." Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>



Gaab, N., Paetzold, M., Walker, M.P., & Schlaug, G. (2004). "The influence of sleep on auditory learning." Neuroreport. PDF >>

Overy, K. Norton, A.C., Cronin, K.T., Gaab, N., Alsop, D.C., Winner, E., & Schlaug, G. (2004). "Imaging melody and rhythm in young children." Neuroreport. PDF >>


Gaab, N., Gaser, C., Zaehle, T., Jaencke, L. &, Schlaug, G. (2003). "Functional anatomy of pitch memory- an fMRI study with sparse temporal sampling." Neuroimage. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N., Keenan, J. &, Schlaug, G. (2003). "The effects of gender on the neural substrates of pitch memory." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N. & Schlaug, G. (2003). "Musicians differ from nonmusicians in brain activation despite performance matching." Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. PubMed >> PDF >>

Gaab, N. & Schlaug, G. (2003). "The effect of musicianship on pitch memory in performance matched groups." Neuroreport. PubMed >> PDF >>

Hutchinson, S., Lee. L.H., Gaab, N. &, Schlaug, G. (2003). "Cerebellar volume differences of musicians." Cereb Cortex. PDF >>

Schlaug, G., & Gaab, N. (2003). ""Das musizierende Gehirn: Strukturelle und funktionelle Unterschiede zwischen Musikern und Nicht-Musikern"". In H.G. Bastian & G. Kreutz (Eds.). Musik und Humanität: Interdisziplinäre Grundlagen für (musikalische) Erziehung und Bildung. . Mainz, Germany: Schott Musik International.

Ihl, R., Grass-Kapanke, B., Lahrem, P., Brinkmeyer, J., Fischer, S., Gaab, N., & Kaupmannsennecke, C. (2000). "Entwicklung und Validierung eines Tests zur Früherkennung der Demenz mit Depressionsabgrenzung (TFDD)." Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie. PubMed >> PDF >>

Jäncke, L., Gaab, N., Wüstenberg, T., Scheich, H. &, Heinze, H.J. (2001). "Short-term functional plasticity in the human auditory cortex: an fMRI study." Cognitive Brain Research. PubMed >> PDF >>
