Child sitting in a rocking chair reading a book

In Massachusetts’ richest towns, many top-ranked schools cling to outdated methods of teaching reading

Published January 10, 2024

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Does Nature or Nurture Determine Musical Ability?

Published March 10, 2023

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Next Steps in Reading Instruction

Check out our YouTube channel for teaching tips and best practices in teaching specific skills essential for reading development.

why it costs a fortune to get the best test for disabilities like adhd, autism, dyslexia

Published March 1, 2022

An interview with Dr. Nadine Gaab was featured in the following story on USA Today on how costly independent evaluations and long waits have come to play an outsize role in the diagnosis and treatment of disabilities, from ADHD to dyslexia.

‘neuropsych’ evaluations are key for accessing special education services

Published March 1, 2022

Dr. Nadine Gaab was interviewed for the following article on how costly independent “neuropsych” evaluations have come to play an outsize role in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous disabilities. You can read the full article in The Hechinger Report here.

The Truth about reading (teaser) 2022

Published September 30, 2021

White matter density in our brains at birth may influence how easily we learn to understand and use language

Published September 27, 2021

Study led by Gaab Lab alumna and Assistant Professor at BU, Jenny Zuk, together with Senior Author and PI, Nadine Gaab, featured in ZME Science.


Jenny Zuk, Gaab Lab alumna and Assistant Professor at Boston University.

Jenny Zuk, Gaab Lab alumna and Assistant Professor at Boston University.

When it comes to communication skills, maybe we’re born with it?

Published September 24, 2021

ScienceDaily: Neuroscientists find brain matter makeup in infancy is linked to children’s degree of language skills at five years old.

Source: Boston University


How the brain learns to read

Published August 2, 2021

Associate Professor of Education Nadine Gaab explains how regions of a child’s brain work together to turn reading into learning.

Dr. Kevin Pelphrey, a co-author on the paper

Dr. Kevin Pelphrey, a co-author on the paper

Autism develops differently in girls than boys, new research suggests

Published April 16, 2021

Research findings of an article co-authored by Dr. Gaab was featured on EurekaAlert! The research suggests that girls and boys with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have significantly different genetic underpinnings, suggesting that the trajectory of the disease is different among genders. Given that autism is more common among boys, these findings also further our understanding of causes of the disorder among girls.

Child self-administering Early Literacy Screener at BCH

Child self-administering Early Literacy Screener at BCH

Pre-to-3: App uses medical model to screen for dyslexia

Published October 11, 2019

The Gaab Lab’s Early Literacy Screener was featured in an article titled, “Pre-to-3: App uses medical model to screen for dyslexia” on Education Dive. You can read the full article here:

Dr. Gaab and the other MIT SOLVERS for the Early Childhood Development category

Dr. Gaab and the other MIT SOLVERS for the Early Childhood Development category


September 22, 2019

Dr. Gaab presented the Early Literacy Screener at the MIT SOLVE finals on September 22nd. The Early Literacy Screener won the MIT SOLVER award, the associated award from Dubai Cares, and the Innospark award – a Boston VC – to support the expansion of AI for the product!

Screenshot from the Early Bird game

The game that can spot preschoolers at risk for reading deficits

January 9, 2020

The Gaab Lab’s Early Literacy Screener was featured in an article titled, “The game that can spot preschoolers at risk for reading deficits” on The Hechinger Report. You can read the full article here: