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Welcome to the Gaab Lab!


Our lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education focuses on typical/atypical learning trajectories from infancy to adulthood with a special focus on language and reading development and the role of the environment in shaping these trajectories


Our research program illuminates the neurobiological origins and developmental trajectories of language and reading skills including difficulties through innovative longitudinal neuroimaging studies that follow children from birth to adolescence. By employing a variety of novel methodologies and developmentally sensitive and comprehensive outcome measures of language and reading skills, we aim to identify neurobiological, behavioral, and environmental factors starting at birth that pose risks or offer protection against the development of language-based learning disabilities. Our theoretical work synthesizes our empirical findings and focuses on developing frameworks with multiple protective and risk factors for explaining learning differences, emphasizing early identification of at-risk children and ‘preventative education.’ Our theoretical and empirical contributions lie at the intersection of developmental and cognitive psychology, neuroscience, learning sciences, disability studies, EdTech, and educational policy. Our translational research addresses contemporary challenges in practice and policy, inspiring systems-level, actionable change. This includes the development of widely accessible and practical EdTech solutions for early literacy screening designed for seamless integration into school districts and caregiver settings. Furthermore, our laboratory actively disseminates our research findings to various community members, including policymakers, superintendents, educational foundations, school principals, practicing teachers, and advocacy groups.

Areas of interest within the Gaab Lab: Educational and Clinical Policy, Neuroscience, Education, Developmental Psychology, EdTech/ Start-Up, Clinical Practice, Medicine, and Early Adversity/ International research.

Areas of interest within the Gaab Lab

Children looking through a mock-MRI machine, with PI Nadine Gaab in the background.

Our Research

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An infant engaging with study materials next to a thank you card.


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